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Where Faith and Creativity Collide.

Raymond E. Allen, Sr

A native of Farrell, Pennsylvania, Raymond E. Allen, Sr. is a visionary leader dedicated to blending creativity with ministry. As a spiritual mentor to many, Pastor Ray inspires leaders with his wisdom, innovation, and passion for advancing the Kingdom of God.

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This compilation of sayings has been accumulated through many years of teaching, preaching, and exhorting the body of Christ...read more


You have got to get this amazing little book, that is full of life and blessing, see the real reason for the season. From Jesus to Santa Claus...read more


The very first thing I want to do is to thank you for purchasing this book. I have written it from my heart. I hope it will supernaturally...read more


The very first thing I want to do is to thank you for purchasing this book. I have written it from my heart. I hope it will supernaturally...read more

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